Agile leadership training

Fit for the new world of work

This training makes your executives fit for the agile age

The pace of change is increasing rapidly in many industries. In an increasingly complex environment, it is often not possible to lead with the classical processes and structures that worked well just some years ago. Apart from that, particularly young employees expect a higher degree of involvement. This training gives the participants valuable insights into agile methods and the resulting requirements for executives. Help your executives to succeed in the agile age.

Your benefits – four reasons to book this training

Top trainer with own leadership experience


Interactive training design with lots of practical exercises and direct feedback


Highly practical with work on own examples of the participants


Tailor-made counseling and training design

Agile Arbeitsweisen

The training content is tailored to your needs

Potential training topics include:

  • Working and leading in the VUCA world
  • Agile working methods (e.g. Design Thinking, Scrum)
  • New skills required from executives
  • Trust versus control
  • Empowering the employees
  • Fostering self-initiative
  • Dealing with mistakes
  • Coaching in leadership
  • Facilitating a feedback culture

The training content is tailored to your needs

Potential training topics include:

  • Working and leading in the VUCA world
  • Agile working methods (e.g. Design Thinking, Scrum)
  • New skills required from executives
  • Trust versus control
  • Empowering the employees
  • Fostering self-initiative
  • Dealing with mistakes
  • Coaching in leadership
  • Facilitating a feedback culture
Agile leadership

The training is highly interactive and practical

The agile leadership training is based on interactivity. Practical exercises enable the transfer of what has been learned into workday life. Moreover, the seminar offers sufficient room for mutual exchange of experiences and the work on concrete practice examples of the participants. Also think about combining the training with the ‘Leading virtual teams’ training.


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Participants confirm the high training effectiveness

“All in all very helpful with clear structures. At the end the participant himself is well endowed to introduce new ideas in the company. Continue! Many thanks!”
managing director

Training duration and setup

It is of course you who determines how long the agile leadership training takes. The usual time is 2 days. I recommend positioning the training deliberately outside the company to ensure an optimal learning environment. The maximum group size should not exceed 12 participants.


Anke Michels
Consulting, Training, Coaching
Engelbertstr. 8
D-57489 Drolshagen

Fon +49 (0)30 - 214 614 13
Mobil +49 (0)178 - 196 12 86

You decide: face-to-face or online

You decide which training format suits you best. You may book all offerings as an in-classroom training, a blended learning format or a pure live online training.